I rode the bike course the day before with Rick & Dave. Nearly lost my leg to German Shepherd that gave chase to Rick & I as we were lolly-gagging along. I don't know why, but that always scares the hell out of me. I grew up with lots of dogs and we had one Doberman Pincher that literally would nip at your feet and legs, which made riding impossible. We'd have to lock it up in the house in order to ride our old beater bikes. I figured after the ride that I'd use the strategy Mike Guzek shared with me one day at the pool, "Go easy where it's hard and Go hard where it's easy". I thought this made sense on this course because there were some good downhill to flat sections mixed in with some of the climbs. Well, to make a long story short, I finished in 2:30:17 (just barely nipping my goal), 24th out of 169 in my age group and 143rd out 856 men. This was probably my best ever considering the level of competitiveness of the race. A big victory for me was being able to run 7:45/mile avg. pace on a hilly run course. I guess I was able to uncork (ok...totally out of control) some pretty good downhill speed because my climbing speed felt like molasses.

A few shots heading out
on the bike.

Just about 10 yards from the finish comin' home strong (and hammy beginning to cramp)
Here's myself, Dave & Rick post race! What sexy Firefighter's they are in their new speed suits! Not bad training buddies, either.
Here I am being pummelled at the swim start. It was a hectic start with everyone trying to get to the first turn in a hurry. If you enlarge, you can see me gasping for a breath as I'm elbowing the guy next to me who keeps side-swiping me. Thankfully, I was able to get out and grab the feet of a swimmer holding a good line.