I became involved with this event after I volunteered a year ago and after I witnessed the race. I knew I wanted to get more involved. It was one of the most unique, positive programs I'd ever seen. The gal that runs the program in Northern Virginia also happens to be a good friend and triathlon buddy.
Our company contributes each semester to assist in the program's implementation. Pretty wild to see your company logo on the back of a bunch of t-shirts as you're running along.
Here's a photo of my buddy runner, Megan. This is the second time we've run together. How wild is this; she has a twin brother, too! The coaches work to find buddy runners for girls who don't have a parent or other member able to run along with them.

About Girls on the Run:
Our Mission:To educate and prepare girls for a lifetime of self-respect and healthy living.
What is Girls on the Run?
Girls on the Run® is a life-changing learning program for girls in grades 3 - 8. The program combines training for a 3.1 mile running event with healthy living education. Our programs instill self-esteem and strong values through health education, life skills development, mentoring relationships and physical training - all of which are accomplished through an active collaboration with girls and their parents, schools, volunteers, staff and the community.