Igda, Leo and I had a really great Thanksgiving weekend at home. We cooked a great meal. Did a bunch of stuff around the house which we’ve been procrastinating. I got some riding in, but otherwise we just spent a whole lotta time together which was cool.
In one of the more playful (not really for me) times, Igda had a good chuckle at my expense. I have never realized that I like to talk out loud to myself when I’m in the middle of figuring something out. Well, that turned out to be some electrical work I had on tap for Saturday. I was going to start replacing old painted over switches and wall circuits in some of the rooms. I made my trip to Home Depot for all the supplies I *thought* I needed, put my apron on and headed upstairs to get to work. Oh, yeah, I triple checked to make sure the right circuits were turned off first. The short version of the story goes like this as Igda listened in from the other bedroom:
Me: Hhhhhmmmmmmmmmm.
Me (a minute later): Hhhmmm, that’s weird.
Me (another minute later): What the hell is this?
Me (another minute later): Why are there more wires than plug-ins?
Me (another minute later): How come I don’t have the right one?
Me (another minute later): God dammit, what the F—k! (sorry Mom & Dad)
In the matter of 5 minutes, I went from a can do attitude to completely frustrated! 7 hours later and one more trip to Home Depot I was finally done. Geez.