Every year about this time the same scenario plays out in downtown DC.
1. Spring time = out of towner's coming into the city in droves. Also coinciding with the millions of people coming to view the Cherry Blossoms.
2. Out of towner's driving erratically b/c they don't know where they are going. They stop for no reason. Don't use turn signals b/c they don't know where they are going. Drivers trying to read their GPS devices or talking on the phone.
3. Taxi drivers hungry for a buck and will do crazy shit to pick up a fare.
4. Fare seekers opening up cab doors without a care in the world.
5. Frustrated local drivers mad about the increase in traffic....great, not like drivers need more fuel for the fire around here.
6. Wondering tourists not paying attention to anything around them while walking around the city.
7. The fair weather cyclists being awoken.
8. Out of town tour bus drivers who aren't familiar with the city.
What does this all this mean? IT MEANS BE EXTRA VIGILANT (CAREFUL AND DEFENSIVE) OVER THE NEXT 3-4 WEEKS WHILE RIDING IN THE CITY. Every year it hits me. Today it just happened to be during my commute into the city. The tell tale signs for me were:
1. Park personnel putting up signage at Hain's Point for the Cherry Blossom parking.
2. The countless tour bus drivers either parked along Hain's Point or driving aimlessly around the loop spewing exhaust fumes.
3. The two Freds who thought I wanted to race them at Hain's Point when I casually rolled by them doing like 180 watts for my recovery day mellow spin to work.
4. A taxi driver who thought it was ok to just swerve into the bike line to pick up passengers along 15th street. He couldn't understand why I was so pissed at him. And to the lady who was about to open the door to get in right in front of me...I confess, I yelled a few profanities.
5. I had my closest call to date for getting doored.
6. Driver nearly took me out while crossing K & Vermont. He was turning left coming the opposite way and obviously was in a HUGE hurry.
Needless to say, I was just happy to get to work in one piece. It's just a busy time of year around here and I hope folks get the message. Be careful out there!!! Things will return to normal in about 30 days.
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