Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Tuesday, June 27 (I made it)

View from Room...

I had a pretty good flight over. All flights were for the most part on time and relatively smooth. I’m very thankful I wore jeans on the flight to London. You could have hung meat in that plane. The most important item of all is that my bike, wheels and luggage all made the transit safe and sound (sign of good things to come, I hope).

The conditions in Frankfurt have been really windy. My plane was delayed about an hour due to these winds. As for the temperature, after speaking with a few of the locals at the hotel, it appears to be uncommonly mild at the moment. I’m keeping my fingers crossed this will hold. I still have trouble converting Celsius to Farenheit, but it’s roughly right around 70-75 F.

Yesterday was weird. I think my body and mind were having a little difficulty with the jet lag. I thought I’d take a nap, but after 10 minutes I realized that wasn’t going to work, so I decided to walk down to the Romerberg (old square, shopping & right next to the IM finish line).

Frankfurt really is a beautiful city. I walked along the river that meanders along the downtown area. It is pristine with a mix of walking and auto bridges sprinkled about. Once I arrived at the Romerberg square, the scent of brats cooking on the grill filled the air. I think I made it about 50 yards when I noticed a meat market that was also serving a mix of cooked meats which I couldn’t resist. I hunker down at one of the many picnic tables lining the shops and start my feast. I had her pile the sauerkraut extra high….yuuuummmyyy!

I had a nice conversation with an older German gentlemen who was sitting across from me at the picnic table. He was very curious about where I was from and what I was doing here. He reminded me a lot of Igda’s father in that he proceeded to tell me all about American history (her father loves to do this when we visit over coffee). I don’t know what it is with the European desire to inform you about how much they know about American history right after you’ve just met them. I get a kick out of it.

After walking the brat off, I decided to head back to the hotel and go for 20 minute run along the river. This is the same location which is used for the run. Boy, it’s beautiful!

I polished off the evening with a trip to a restaurant I just stumbled upon called Chicago MeatPackers. Funny, I go all the way to Germany to eat at restaurant/bar playing top 40 music and trying to play themselves as a little taste of Chicago. In the spirit of hoping that it would help me sleep, I couldn’t hold out any longer. I had a couple drafts of Beck’s. Oh man, that was good.

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