Tuesday, November 10, 2009


Coach was sending me some feedback on how I am progressing with The Plan. He said something that rang so true, "This time, it’s almost a gray zone, we keep pushing forward through the mist, never recovered, never worn down…"

That's exactly how I feel right now...staying patient...sticking to the structure. Body and mind are responding well so far.


  1. I love the gray zone. Stay consistent, stay motivated, stay healthy. Eat right, rest smart.

    The gray zone is an easy place to get sick, especially this time of year in DC.

  2. Amen, Tom. I hear you. I'm forgoing attempting to try cut any weight now and just eating healthy portions. Hopefully, that will keep sickness at bay. Plus, carrying an xtra 5-10 lbs this time of year will only make me stronger, right? ;-) Hope to meet you out on a ride soon.

  3. HTFU, Warner!!!

    Been too long since I've been here spewin' my usual irreverent venom! Please, hold the applause.

    I'll be snooping.

    Oh, and the darkside is here. PT just arrived. I guess I'll be talkin' watts, joules (not the family kind) and what not going forward. God help us all.

  4. about damn time Grayson! Ain't no hiding now. The meter can tell you just how good or how bad you are at any given moment. You'll love it!
